3rd Annual Storytelling Program

JCSU Library Site Redesign

The James B. Duke Memorial Library at Johnson C. Smith University established the first Collegiate Storytelling Associations as an affiliate of the National Association of Black Storytellers. JCSU Collegiate Storytelling Association’s mission is to preserve and promote the art of storytelling and the oral tradition of African/African American storytelling.

On February 1, 2020 the JCSU Collegiate Storytelling Association hosted its 3rd Annual Storytelling Program with regional members from the National Association of Black Storytellers. The program opened with an African marketplace, drumming, and dancing by West Side Cultural Arts Program.
Betasus Güncel Giriş

Current student president is Zamiyah T. Ben Isreal. For more information on membership email us at jcsublackstorytelling@gmail.com
Betasus Giriş

JCSU Library Site Redesign