Ask a Librarian

Get help from a JCSU Librarian now! Visit, chat, email or call us to get help with your research. You can reach us whenever and however it’s most convenient for you!

Email — Send your reference questions to and we will get back to you as soon as we can (generally within 24 hours).

Phone — Call us at 704-371-6731 to speak with a librarian when the desk is open or leave us a message any time.

In Person — Visit the Center of Information, located on the first floor of the Library, for research assistance. View Library hours and find directions to campus.

Meet with a Librarian — Request a research appointment with a librarian for in-depth help with research and library resources.

Chat — For any questions that you have please type them in the box below, and the librarian on duty will help you. Librarians are available to provide assistance during the following hours during Fall and Spring semesters:

Monday – Thursday: 8:00AM – 11:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Sunday: 2:00PM – 10:00PM

Please be aware that others may be using the Ask A Librarian service at the same time, so please be patient. Questions will be answered in the order they were received.

Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students