General Information
Where is the library?
The James B. Duke Memorial Library is located adjacent to Biddle Hall, and across from the Carnegie Building. Click on campus map or take the Historical Campus Tour for more details.
Where can I park?
Parking by permit is enforced on campus between the hours of 8am – 5pm. You may wish to view the campus map. Campus police can direct guests to visitor’s parking. If you are meeting with library staff, then please call ahead so a visitor’s parking pass can be arranged.
How is the library organized?
Materials are arranged using the Dewey Decimal System. The library’s online catalog provides access to its holdings. With the exception of the New Books section, all materials on the First Floor are non-circulating and must be used within the library. The General Collection is located on the Second Floor and may be checked out.
Where can I find the library's hours?
The library’s current hours are found on the hours page and on the about page of its website. Please check back at the beginning and end of each semester, as well as during exam weeks and school breaks for any hours changes.
How do I check out a book, get a library card or pay a fine?
The Center of Information handles the checking in and out of books and other materials, issuing library barcodes, library fines, and other issues relating to library accounts. The Center of Information is located to the left upon entrance to the first floor of the library. For questions about your account or other circulation-related questions, please visit the Center of Information in person or call (704) 371-6731.
How do I start my research?
The library offers information literacy instructions, and one-on-one consultations. Contact a librarian to help you formulate a research question, evaluate information sources, access information relative to your discipline, and show you how to use citation indexes. Find a librarian here.
How do I find a specific item?
Find a book in the online catalog. Note the location, call number, and status fields in the items record as shown below.
General Collection – 2nd Floor |
880.22 D52c 2007 |
Next, locate the STATUS of the item. If “available” the item is located in the library. The STATUS may read ‘Checked out’, ‘Lost’, or even ‘Missing.’ if this is the case then go back to your search menu and select another title.
The LOCATION field will tell you which floor and section for an item. If the location is General Collection, it is located on the Second Floor. All checkable items are located on the Second Floor. Reference Books, Journals, Course Reserves, Tablets and Videos are located either at the Center of Information Desk or on the First Floor.
Finally, look at the CALL NUMBER. Materials are shelved in numeric order on the shelves according to their call numbers. Note, in the Catalog, the Call Number appears horizontally. However, on the Book Spine, the Call Number will be printed vertically.
Where can I look up books and other materials?
You can look up print and non-print materials that the library holds through its online catalog. You can access the online catalog by clicking on “Media & Books” tab from the library homepage.
How do I find journal articles?
The James B. Duke Memorial Library provides access to a variety of multidisciplinary scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers and e-books via our electronic databases. The full list of databases can also be found here. To access the databases, you would need a username and password provided by Information Technology(IT) department. Access to databases is permitted from any location on or off campus. Due to licensing there are some restrictions limited to current JCSU students, faculty, and staff with valid user IDs and passwords.
Where can I print/make copies/fax/scan in the library?
The library has two multifunction printers that allows you to print, copy, send fax, and scan documents to an email address.
STPLibRm115 located on the first floor in front the circulation desk, and STPLibRm215 located on the second floor of the library in front of the Director of Library Services office (multicolor carpet area). A valid JCSU ID, email address and password are required to use these printers.
There is also a black and white, and color printer at the circulation desk. To print in black and white it’s $0.10 per page and $0.45 per page for color. We only accept cash.
How can I get library materials from other libraries?
The library participates in a nationwide interlibrary loan service offered through OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) bibliographic network. Students and Faculty can request books and articles from journals not found in our library collection via OCLC. This network provides access to the holdings of thousands of other libraries worldwide. The interlibrary loan request form is available online and can be found here.
Where can I get more help?
Have more questions about library services and resources, then chat with a librarian using LibChat. You can also find contact information for library staff by visiting the library homepage.
You can find contact information on in-person, phone, and instant messaging assistance on the Ask a Librarian page.
Are there computer labs in the library that I can use?
The computers are located on the First and Second Floor of the library. Students, faculty, and staff can check-out tablets for two hours use in the library.
Where can I find materials my professor has placed on reserve in the library?
Materials on reserve for a class are located at the Center of Information Desk and via Electronic Course Reserves. You can check-out course reserves for a period of 2 hours. Reserves may be renewed if no one is waiting on the item(s).
Overdue fines of $1.00 per hour are applied after 2 hours. All items are to be used in the library and are not allowed out the building. Reserve items are listed in the online catalog by instructor’s name, course name, and course number.
Where can I find copies of the university's yearbook?
Copies of the yearbook are available in several places in the Library. The Archives has a collection of all yearbooks and the Center of Information Desk has the yearbooks from 1929-2007. Visit the library digital collection to locate additional publications at digital collections.
What if I lost something at the library?
“Lost and Found” items are held at the Center of Information Desk, (704) 371-6731.
Can I fax documents from the library?
Faxing is available for students. To learn more visit the Center of Information Desk.
Is there a phone I can use in the library?
There is no public phones in the library. Cell phones are permitted but should be used in a courteous manner and, preferably, away from others who are studying. Please turn ringers to vibrate while in the library. No loud conversation is permitted.
Cell phones are permitted on the First Floor, Lounge Areas, and Study Rooms. The 2nd Floor is the Quiet Zone.
Can I listen to music in the library?
All electronic devices on which audio will be played require the use of headphones. Loud music played through headphones is not allowed.